Program Management

Programme Health Check


  • The Vision Statement: clearly sets out the direction and purpose of the programme.
  • Blueprint: a detailed description and understanding of what the future state of the organisation will be like, an important step often missed. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you have arrived?
  • Quantified Benefits: a detailed description of the benefits to be delivered, not a set of bullet points buried in a business case. This is the core of an effective programme, and can’t effectively be done until you know where you are going.
  • Project Portfolio: well structured to maximise the efficient use of resources, designed to deliver dividends early and effective control points to stop the programme running away with itself.
  • Business Transition: effective plans to minimise the instability caused to the business whilst remaining ambitious about the intended achievements.
  • Outcomes Achieved: focus remains, the new systems have been installed and moved to the new building, you have reached the new state, but you still will not have achieved the benefits.
  • Benefits Realisation: it’s all too easy to declare victory before the benefits have been achieved. People still think that a miracle will occur that turns outcomes into benefits which is wrong – management intervention will still be required.